Adding a filter to your washing machine will ensure that you aren’t adding microplastics to the environment. You can also filter your tap water coming into your home to keep microplastics out of your drinking water. High-performance windows can cut energy usage, as windows account for 50% or more of lost energy. New technologies include double glazing, special coatings, nonconductive framing materials and higher-quality, air-tight construction. Because green homes are rapidly becoming mainstream, building an eco-friendly home has never been easier. Whether you are planning to do the work yourself or hire a contractor, see how green you can go with your next home-building or remodeling project.

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

Adding insulation to the walls of your home prevents warm air from leaking out in the winter. Eschew unsustainable sheep’s wool and harmful fiberglass for cotton, which can be made into thick batts for your walls. Other options include cork produced from the regenerating bark of a cork oak tree and cellulose from recycled newsprint and paper. Many people don’t realize that their electronic appliances can use up energy even when you aren’t actively using them.

Latest : Going Green With Your Stethoscope

Once in landfill, they can then take hundreds of years to decompose and release greenhouse gases (GHG) in the process. Gaps between older floorboards are inevitable over time as the wood expands and contracts due to varying levels of humidity in the air. This causes avoidable draughts which wastes your home’s heating energy.

How to make your home more environmentally friendly

You’ll find batting-style insulation made from materials like sheep’s wool and recycled denim, and blow-in insulation made from castor oil or cellulose. Before you begin to update your home with things like eco-friendly heating or sustainable products, it’s a good idea to see how your home How to make your home more environmentally friendly currently rates, energy wise. If you’re trying to make your home more sustainable and reduce your environmental footprint, one of the first things you’ll learn is to recycle. Recycling is an efficient way to manage the 139.6 million tons of waste that heads to US landfills every year.

What is the difference between sustainable and eco-friendly?

Install your home battery in an insulated area such as your garage, your house, or an insulated building. This will ensure maximum performance, even if the temperatures outside are dropping. However, for those of us who prefer to live in or near to a city centre, the choices for new housing are quite limited. The alternatives are existing homes and apartments, many of which were built many decades ago without much consideration for energy efficiency. Have you ever contemplated purchasing an environmentally friendly home but found yourself unsure of where to begin? I can relate if so, as I was in your shoes about a year ago when I set out to purchase my first home.

  • Resealing your windows prevents heat loss from draughts as well as preventing moisture from building up which can eventually lead to mold and further structural damage to the area around your windows.
  • They also turn the heat down or air conditioning off when you’re not at home.
  • The amount of energy they produce will depend on where you live and the strength of the sun where you are.
  • Let the grass growLetting your grass grow longer between cuts not only saves petrol or electricity, and therefore reduces carbon dioxide emissions, but also encourages more wildlife into your garden.